Everli Spa

Staff Software Engineer (2023-2024)

  • Led the technical direction of two teams.
  • Improved system scalability and performance by decoupling cross team dependencies through GraphQL
  • Transitioned to an event-driven architecture

Senior Software Engineer (2022-2023)

  • Improved backend system core APIs performances by 40%.
  • Reduced manually managed orders from 30% to 9%, resulting in a 70% decrease in manual workload.
  • Achieved a 2.5% decrease in daily moved orders by optimizing delivery capacity and customer demand.

Software Engineer II (2020-2022)

  • Developed and maintained Typescript and PHP backend services for grocery delivery.
  • Worked closely with product and business team to fulfill company needs

Labware Spa

Web developer (2018-2020)

  • Implemented PHP and Python backend services solving HO.RE.CA. industry challenges.
  • Developed a BI report tool that led to an increase in sales for store owners, providing valuable insights for service improvement and business growth.

Beta tester (2016-2020)

  • Hardware and software testing for HO.RE.CA. devices (PoS, printers, etc..)

>> Take a peek at my CV <<


  • Languages/Frameworks: Typescript, Javascript, GraphQL, PHP, Elixir, Rust
  • Databases: MySQL, Postgres, Redis, DynamoDB
  • Design Systems: Domain Driven Design, Event Driven Architecture
  • Infrastructure: AWS, Queues (RMQ, SQS), GithubActions, Jenkins